Saturday, July 7, 2007

Amazon Product Link Building

After having reviewed Amazons A-store, I'd like to touch bases on another service Amazon offers for it's affiliates, the ability to build individual product links. I like this idea because it puts you in control. So you can build the store you want in exactly the way you want it, provided you have the know-how to do so.

Today while I am showcasing Amazons link system, I want to kill two birds with one stone so to speak and tell you about a real handy book for anyone that's interested in working with web pages online.

While I'm no web design guru, I still use the knowledge I've got from this book on a daily basis. It's an excellent resource for beginners and pros alike when it comes to making or customizing web pages.

That said, I want to explain a bit about the link above now. Using Amazons Product Link feature from the associates webpanel I was able to search for and find the particular item I wanted to sell on my blog. Once you've found the item you're given some choices as to customization, and then it's just a matter of copying and pasting the html code to your site.

The great thing about this is it lets you take control and build a store product by product. Offering complete control in how and where you want to position it on your page. For those of you that find Amazons a-store too limiting this is another great option.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.